Aaaaaactually, it’s been on display since November, which brings me to the only resolution I wrote down for 2016: blog more. I mean, I could hardly write less than I did last year, so it seemed like a more realistic expectation than anything about diet, exercise, experiencing the magical joy of tidying up, or finishing all the projects. Grad school and teaching have sort of been destroying my confidence that I still know how to write in my own voice – the festively inappropriate one that occasionally plays fast and loose with with the laws of language. (In my defense, that approach worked for Shakespeare.) So 2016 is the year that I start taking back my own voice, and start taking back some of my time from Other People’s Usefullness(tm), and start doing my stuff and writing about it. At least, that’s the plan. It’s January 9, and I’m already 100% above last year.

Let me break that down:
I. Embroidered.
I can stop right there, can’t I? My relationship with embroidery is not exactly friendly. It’s not even polite. But lets go further:
I. Embroidered. A … gag gift?
I. Embroidered? A …. gag gift?!?
This what happens when I give a class too much studio/work time, people.

That is my story, and I’m stickin’ to it!
That’s wonderful news – I hope you’ll fulfill your resolution, because I’ve always enjoyed your style of writing, and wished you’d resume posting. :-)
Anna-Carin! :) Thank you. I guess I’ll get to work on that….
Um, Missa…I was wondering where you had gotten yourself to. Looking forward to reading your blog once again!
Martha! I’ve been living under a rock called academia. It’s getting a little musty in here….
Have just stumbled upon your blog, whilst looking for ways to create costumes for fullbeamproductions.net upcoming tour – a brilliant find, you are now bookmarked and I hope you continue to blog! Thank you!
Glad you’ve enjoyed it! Thank you!
non possum solis solutio. i cannot be the solution of the sun? umm, what?
Solis like solo – I was going for “I can’t be your only solution”. Not entirely sure I got there – it has been a looooooong time since I took Latin. I ran it through google and a couple online translators before I committed to doing it up in black work, though. ;)