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Worst site migration ever!

Ok, seriously…  No site migration should ever involve an emergency root canal because you fell asleep at the keyboard and face-planted at just the wrong angle.  The part where my site (and network of family sites) was hacked days later just feels like insult on top of injury.

Site is up again.  Evil, stupid, malicious, counterproductive, non-contributing zero’s of hackers are horrible human beings.  :(  You’re so smart?  Do something meaningful.  Do something that makes a positive change in the world.  Don’t take my site down.  That’s not even a freakin’ statement.  Seriously.  Are you even kidding me?  My scorn is only slightly lesser than my annoyance.


  1. janice Boyes
    janice Boyes September 11, 2013

    Today i just found your site–I have been wandering the sites Jen Thompson posted on Festive Attyre, which I found not long ago, and I am enthralled. I have been reading your old posts all evening and it is past my bedtime now… I wish I could be your student.
    I love the multi coloured Tutu–my grandaughter wants me to make her a Tutu but I think I won’t. She is not taking ballet and that much work needs a real dancer to wear it. I totally understand the Hurting….
    And where were those scissors made? do they have a maker’s mark on them? Can a source be tracked down? Carry on posting what ever You want on your blog.. It is YOURS!

    I am just glad you let folks like me read it.
    And I am so in agreement about hackers–they should be stoned with old cell phones.


    • missa
      missa September 13, 2013

      Hi, Janice – Thank you so much for your kind words, but the truth is that without people who come along and read and enjoy and possibly learn a thing or two, there would be no point to me doing what I do! The site would just exist for hackers to have fun with. ;)

    • missa
      missa September 13, 2013

      Gah! Just looked, and all of the demos are gone. I hope I can restore from backup!

    • missa
      missa September 17, 2013

      Lauren – the demos should all be back, and the magic of permalinks means that your bookmark still works! (I checked and everyhing.) Thank you for your patience!

  2. Deborah Bojar
    Deborah Bojar September 13, 2013

    I’m so glad you are back!

    • missa
      missa September 13, 2013

      I’m working on back! I have learned an important new thing already in grad school: grad school will eat all of your free time, and still require 6 more hours a week. ;)

  3. Sarah
    Sarah September 14, 2013

    Oh wow! I used to follow you religiously back in The Day! 2003-ish (Along with Jen from FA, and Sarah…The Elizabethan Lady). I used to have a sucky little aol website called the Sixteenth Century Stitchery (or something)…I had and still have a crush on Alcega.

    Anyway, yay, you’re still here! I’m only just getting back in the saddle with sewing…feels good, man.

    And owie, I feel you on the teeth, I have an appt for two root canals next week.


    • missa
      missa September 14, 2013

      Hi, Sarah – there’s a total chance I remember the website, but I mostly only remember pictures. What were you working on at the time? ;) I am getting things back together as well. And yes, it feels good…

      If your dentist is as good as mine (Dr. Wolski in Roselle, IL – free plug!), your worst feeling will be a stiff neck. I swear to you, I felt nothing of the root canal or post. (Ok, I felt my head move, and I felt like my neck wasn’t supposed to bend like that, but I couldn’t feel my face and I am a classic case of “Novocain doesn’t work on me”. Turns out it does; you just have to give it a little bit.) Best of luck!

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