I was busy being gainfully employed packing up costume storage at the college a few weeks ago, and I found a marvelous old pair of paned slops. They were old enough that the satin behind the panshatter well past thread-bare (more just threads), which was awesome because it let me see what was underneath. This isn’tnecessarily the period way to construct slops, but it’s a beautiful way. Here’s what I saw…

All that trim is hand couched, and metallic enough to stay cold to the touch. Amazing….

Hi Missa,
I’m in Homewood, at Karen’s place until September 6th.
Are you at Bristol this coming weekend by any chance? I’ll be there and it would be great to see you.
TEDDYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
Um, no, I’m not at Faire this weekend. Sadness to know you are there and I am not. Any chance of catching up before you jump back over the pond?
Mad luv!
Hey Missa,
We’re here until 6th September, at WorldCon Thursday through Monday but no fixed plans tomorrow and Wednesday, and Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
Had a great time at Faire, got to see the FoF Garden and chat to some of the folk there when I wasn’t on duty with St George’s
Tomorrow is our last night here….
um…. Boo!? And poop… :(
Poop indeed – Oh well, we’ll try again next time….
I am still sad. You have my email addy still, right? Mad luv!